Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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268 lines
│ Main Menu Options Defined: (Also see Menus.txt) │
│ ...and 2 NEW sysop keys.... see the end of this section.... │
@-Codes have been added see Menus.txt under the menu selection
of "Menu File Names", in ICMANUAL.exe
By the way - the KEYS in the brackets [], are the keys you have to
setup for your users when making a custom menu. Make sure you do
not use any KEYs that IconUpDater is already using. When making a RIP
screen make sure you set your buttons as follows...(Also see Menus.txt)
!|1B3W0K0201F204000F0F050D00040F0700003W|1U6P5000000000<>Download Icons<>D
Notice that the command set to the host is "D" and NOT "D^M".
The "^M" sends the host a carriage return <cr>. IconUpdater does not
need or use the <cr> expect for continue buttons. An IconUpdater
"Continue" button for any RIP screen, user defined or not, would
look similar to the following...
[D]ownload ALL Icons
This is a Direct Download of your ALLICONS.ZIP file
right from IconUpDater, it does not invoke am Icon Scan.
If you make your own MAINMENU.RIP screen remember to set
your [D]ownload ALL Icons option to "D" not "D^M" like the
above example.
[I]nformation on RIP graphics ( or any thing else, like you BBS)
When this option is selected iconUpDater sends the
file "RIPINFO.RIP" to the user if caller is on in
RIP, otherwise it send RIPINFO.ANS for ANSI callers.
If your callers are like mine you'll like this feature,
especially since this program is the first thing your
new user see.
You can use leave the RIPINFO.ANS and .RIP file the way
they are or your can changed them to suit your needs.
Realize that if you make your own ANSI screen, use
a program like The Draw and save it as ANSI codes,
not @-codes like WildCat! But I do offer 20 variable
@-codes to retieve filename, user name, & stuff like
from IconUpDater... see MENUS.TXT.
[A]uto Icon Scan Downloader (Updater)
This is the New RIP_FILE_QUERY option. Only users who call
in to the BBS with RIPterm or QMpro will be able to select
this option. If selected, IconUpDater will pass vitial info
to ICFILE.EXE, which will then perform all the necessary
processes for Quering Icons on the callers Hard drive.
After the scan takes place and the caller needs more than
15* of your icons, then the program will give them
choices of:
AL[L] Icons zip
this will send the caller the ALLICONS
ZIP file.
this will continue on and start sending
icons 1 at a time to the caller and
put them in the proper directory.
this will ZIP up just the icons they do not
have and send they a UPDATE1.ZIP file
with these icons in it. This is great
for BBS that have 100 plus icons.
this does not expect go back to IconUpdater's
Main Menu.
the 15* above... this just means you can define this option
in ICSETUP. 15 is the default. If you set this to say...
23 then the caller has to be missing 23 or more icons
before IconUpDater give them the above choices, otherwise,
if the caller has less than 23 icons, then IconupDater will
automatically start send the icons 1 at time.
If the caller has all the icons, then IconUpDater notifies
the user as such, and then continues to the BBS.
Please try calling from another Computer with RIPterm
if you can. It's truely a neato function. For more
details on what Auto Scan does see below.
[S]pace Saver
This new feature is for saving your users hard drive space.
As you add new Icons to your Working Icons Directory
you are also adding icons to you user's hard drives who
call your BBS. Also realize that alot of these callers
do not have the Hard Space that you might have. This is
why it is important that you only have *.ICN files that
you are currently using on your BBS. I do not think I
could have made it any easier for you (& myself).
If you are not using certain icons, then move them to
another directory or delete them, but get them out
of you Working Icon Directory.. Then run IMaint. (see
ICMaintenance for more info). IcMaint creates and
maintains the old icons data base file.
Space Saver reads the file "oldicons.dat" into memory and
scan the users drive for these icons. If any are found
then Space Saver (ICSCAN.EXE) will send the caller a
text file called IcDelx.txt, that contains a list of
icons found on their drive that they can delete becuase
your BBS is no longer using them. The text also
explains this.
New... Now Space Saver will ask the caller if he/she
would like to download DELICONS.EXE to aid in quickly
deleting old icons found in the ICDELx.TXT file. If
the callers asnwers Yes then Space Saver will send a
copy of DELICONS.EXE to the caller...(about 40,000K
in size), then the caller can quickly Drop to DOS
and run DELICONS or run it after their online session.
DELICONS.EXE deletes the icons found in ICDELx.TXT, then
deletes the text file ICDELx.TXT, and finally deletes
I would like to eventually see DELICONS.EXE work with
the Appilcations options of RIPterm.
where BBS is your BBS initials read from the ConFig file.
Self explanatory. Exits Door. A return key will work also.
If you run ICSETUP you will see that you as the SysOp have
the option to force to feature on your callers. If you set
it to "Y" (Yes) then when the caller continues to the BBS,
IconUpDater will pass control over to ICFILE. When ICFILE
is finished scanning Icons it will then exit to the BBS and
NOT return control to IconUpDater.
[_]_____________ ( you NOW have 3 sysop definable Menu options! )
Blank! Yep, you can put whatever you want here for your
users to download. RIPterm? Maybe your MEMBERSHIP.DOC
file? New important info! Users can't get away from this
Door, since it runs everytime they get online, so make
it interesting for them. Your description can only be
30 characters long! If you make your own RIP screen
remember that your RIP Button command should just have
the letter you set up in your config file; for example
if you define a menu option for downloading your
[M]embership file then your RIPscript command should
look similar to the follow, just having the "M" on then
end of the RIPscript.
!|1B3W0K0201F204000F0F050D00040F0700003W|1U6P5000000000<>Member file<>M
SEE the section of CONFIGs for more info on setting
up transfer files or DOS Hooks!
----> [*] --- Just like the RIPscript itself, I added an asterisk
mainmenu command key. Hit this key or click just about
anywhere on the screen except for a button and this
command will reset the screen and redraw the main menu
for when you get that little line noice that throws
RIPscript out of wack.
[?] this just displays info on the author and registeration
info... but only to RIP callers.
[+] this will log the caller off the BBS. Same as selecting
Goodbye in wildcat.
│ Download Menu Options Defined: │
If you make your own DOWNMENU.RIP screen for your IconUpDater
download menu, you will need to follow the same proceedures as above.
The download menu has for Menu buttons (or Options) you will need
to put in your RIPscript screen. They are as follows...
[X]-modem [Y]-modem [Z]-modem [A]bort transfer
each of these buttons should be set up in this manner...
This does not mean you have to have this exact RIPscript...
I am just saying make sure you have the command at the end
with out a <cr> ( or ^M ).
See "Other Stuff" for MainInfo.ANS which used to be MainInfo.txt.
this is a file that IconUpDater calls from the drive and displays
it in the default MainMenu..... see 1st section in "Other Stuff".
Also see "Menu File Names", in ICMANUAL.exe
│ 3 NEW SysOp Keys have been added. │
F1 -
At the bottom of the IconUpDater screen you will see:
F1 = Forced switch ON ( or OFF)
If you hit F1, then the screen will redraw and the
Forced File switch is then turned "ON" if it was "OFF". When
you hit F1 again it will tirn it back off. Why have this?
say you have a friend online who has call for the first time
and you are forcing a file on your users... but you want to
quickly allow him access to the BBS... then hit F1 and it
will turn the Forced file feature off just for this one user,
and allow him the pass to the BBS with out downloading the
file. Same goes in the other direction. If a callers is
online and you want to forced him to download any files
you have in IconUpDater, hit F1 and it will force the files
on him.
F2 - F2 = Security switch ON ( or OFF)
F2 works the same way, except for the security levels.
"ON" means that the current user online does NOT have
access to at LEAST one of the Sysop definable menu
options. "OFF" means that the current users online
will have access to everything.
F3 - If you type F3, IconUpDater will shell (Drop) to DOS.
Just type "EXIT" to return.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ryan C. Andersen 513-860-9669(V)